#41 2014-09-04 17:58:33

Skąd: Katowice
Dołączył: 2014-01-18

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Xam10 napisał:

Szykuje się dłuższa przerwa.


Cóż za niespodzianka!

Ryzen R5 5600X
GTX 1660 Super
16GB 3200 MHz
Kingston KC3000


#42 2014-09-04 19:51:25

Dołączył: 2012-08-26

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Nawet 10 chapterów nie dostaliśmy! smutny



#43 2014-09-04 19:54:39

Skąd: Poznań
Dołączył: 2009-04-10

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

To chyba nigdy nie doczekam się kontynuacji anime:/

"Humans aren't just comprised of a single color, but with many different ones. What our true colors are, what our own colors are, we will never know and no one else knows. Progress colorfully and continue to live colorfully. "


#44 2014-09-04 20:09:06

Skąd: Gorzów Wielkopolski / Poznań
Dołączył: 2011-09-28

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Robal15 napisał:

To chyba nigdy nie doczekam się kontynuacji anime:/

My nie, ale może nasze wnuki...


#45 2014-09-04 20:09:29

Dołączył: 2009-05-30

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Proponuję zmienić nazwę tematu. smile


"Ore no Imouto jednak miało jakieś tam przesłanie czyli, że 14 latka może grać w zboczone, incestowe gry +18 pod warunkiem, że się dobrze uczy i nie sprawia innych problemów" - Ken-chan


#46 2014-09-04 20:22:09

Skąd: Katowice
Dołączył: 2014-01-18

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Sado napisał:

Proponuję zmienić nazwę tematu. smile

"Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?"

Ryzen R5 5600X
GTX 1660 Super
16GB 3200 MHz
Kingston KC3000


#47 2014-09-04 20:45:24

Dołączył: 2012-06-11

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Manga "Naruto" zbliża się ku końcowi. Nieznane źródła donoszą, że Kishimoto i Togashi nawiązali współpracę, w ramach której Kishimoto będzie odpowiedzialny za rysowanie HxH, a Togashi zajmie się fabułą.

Pokaż spoiler
eTQOW1f.png Pozdrawiam z łodzi

Ostatnio edytowany przez aryst (2014-09-04 20:46:44)


#48 2014-09-04 20:56:48

Skąd: Gorzów Wielkopolski / Poznań
Dołączył: 2011-09-28

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Proszę bardzo. Nazwa zmieniona smile


#49 2014-09-20 00:28:52

Dołączył: 2010-06-22

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Być może część z was zapoznała się z pewnym tekstem, który Togashi napisał po zakończeniu Yu Yu Hakusho. Trochę wyjaśnia skąd tyle przerw w tworzeniu.
Bezpośredni link (po angielsku): http://tickingtimepalm.tumblr.com/post/ … conclusion
I tekst (po angielsku), gdyby komuś nie chciało się wchodzić na stronę/nie mógł się rozczytać:

Pokaż spoiler

    ON FINISHING THE SERIALIZATION OF YYH - looking back on failure

    If I'm honest, I'm feeling a great relief and pleasure at the thought that I've finally been able to finish YYH. It's not that I've lost all emotional attachment to the work, but I feel that my stress levels had greatly surpassed my will to work. The six months leading up to the concluding chapter felt awfully long to me. To tell the truth, it had already been decided that YYH was going to end in December 1993 -- or rather, this was a decision that I had forced on the editorial staff. There were many reasons for this, all in all about 50 big and small ones, but in broad strokes, these were the major reasons:

        My body.

        Thoughts I had about what it means to draw manga.

        Desire to do other things than work.

    Point 3 is out of the question for a professional manga writer; basically I wanted to indulge in my hobbies, rest, and sleep as much as I could. Most of my 50 reasons fall into this category.

    Point 1 was caused by Point 3 not being fulfilled for too long. From when YYH began serialization up until the start of the Dark Tournament, I had half a day off every week in which I caught up on sleep. Other than that all I had time for were occasional naps, and I'd indulge in my hobbies by sleeping less. For a while, I quite enjoyed this. But my HP (as they say in RPGs) was gradually but surely falling, and around the time that I wrote a 31-page one-shot and simultaneously had to do color pages, my heart began to hurt every time I went without sleep -- and then it began to hurt more and more often.

    This was when I seriously started to think about the pace of production for manga. I thought, "I probably won't be able to keep regular hours, but if I sleep as much as I want to, when I want to, how much would I be able to produce?" I tried it out. I immediately began to fall behind on my schedule. But I tried to get some sleep every night. Around this time, my feelings about writing manga as a profession began to change. "I don't want to die from overwork. If I die, I want it to be when I'm having fun or when I'm drawing manga for fun. Color pages are scary. One-shots are scary." I also began to use some time before going to bed to relieve stress. I fell even more behind, and at the point where Sensui and Yusuke were fighting, this reached its first peak.

    But also around this time, I realized I was starting to experience a different kind of stress. Because I had stopped overworking my body, and started to relieve my stress, I was feeling stressed that I couldn't draw manga in a way that satisfied me. This is where point 2 comes in.

    I believe that anyone who draws has a desire to attract people with their art, but this is an ambition that I had suppressed for a long time. This is because back when I had just had my debut, my editor at the time had shown me a manga page by Hagiwara Kazushi (BASTARD!!). I felt that if I were honest with myself, my art would never be able to compete with something like this. But I was never able to throw away my ideal of being able to draw manga without help from other people. A few times during the run of YYH, I finished my manuscripts all by myself. All of these instances were when my stress levels were at their highest. I don't know if anyone will understand, but when I was stressed because I wasn't satisfied with my manga, the only way for me to relieve this stress was to draw all my manga by myself.

    As a result, those chapters ended up horrible. Both the characters and the backgrounds were messy. The one shot Two Shots, Karasu vs. Kurama, Yusuke vs. Sensui, the scene where Yusuke meets Raizen, I drew most of those alone. The latter two were finished in half a day before my deadline, as a reader guessed and criticized in a letter. This might mean I fail as a professional, but I was satisfied. I had already started to think that no matter what anyone says, no matter how messy the finished pages are, I just wanted to draw this by myself, and I had no reason not to go through with it.

    It saddens me to say this, but I had explored every possible direction for the YYH characters that I could in the context of a professional publication. All I could do at this point was to start deconstructing the characters, or go on repeating the same storylines over and over until the readers got bored. My attempts to deconstruct the characters were, of course, turned down by Jump. I didn't have the strength, physically and mentally, to keep doing the same thing over and over.

    So I went ahead and did what I had always wanted to do: "If I ever manage to have a long serialization in Jump, I will end it on my own terms." I knew that Jump dropped a manga after 10 weeks if the readers' surveys proved it to be unpopular, and I knew this when I started working for them. This system proved encouraging for me, and I learned a lot by being aware of readers reactions. But I ended up wanting to draw manga for myself, without thinking about anyone's reactions. I don't believe that anything I came up with on this premise will live up to Jump's standards, so I will not try.

    In conclusion: I ended YYH because of my own selfishness. I'm sorry.


#50 2014-09-20 11:06:20

Skąd: Katowice
Dołączył: 2014-01-18

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Akurat przyczyna przerw jest oczywista – Dragon Quest.
Te przerwy zbiegają się z kolejnymi wydaniami gry. oo

Ryzen R5 5600X
GTX 1660 Super
16GB 3200 MHz
Kingston KC3000


#51 2014-09-20 13:50:06

Skąd: Takto
Dołączył: 2012-02-17

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Już mnie wkurza to jechanie Togashiego...

i5-8600K OC 4.8Ghz, MSI Z370 Tomahawk, HyperX Predator 16GB 3000MHz/3333Mhz, Samsung 960 EVO 250GB.

Headphones: AKG K712 PRO, AKG K612 PRO, Beyerdynamic DT-990 Edition 250ohm
DAC: SMSL SD-650+mod by mikolaj612+Muses 8820 + ad797AR SMSL M8 | AMP: Rapture by mikolaj612


#52 2015-04-24 12:04:14

Dołączył: 2012-06-11

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?


#53 2015-04-24 12:22:21

Skąd: Gorzów Wielkopolski / Poznań
Dołączył: 2011-09-28

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Spójrz na datę. smile


#54 2015-04-24 12:39:55

Dołączył: 2012-06-11

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Wiem, wiem. Chciałem tutaj narobić ludziom złudne nadzieje.

Friendly reminder.
Togashi nigdy nie dokończy HxH.


#55 2015-04-24 13:42:15

Skąd: Gorzów Wielkopolski / Poznań
Dołączył: 2011-09-28

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

aryst napisał:

Wiem, wiem. Chciałem tutaj narobić ludziom złudne nadzieje.

Friendly reminder.
Togashi nigdy nie dokończy HxH.

Może jego żona zrobi to za niego. smile


#56 2015-04-24 13:50:50

Skąd: Katowice
Dołączył: 2014-01-18

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Fani snują teorie spiskowe, że Madhouse dostanie skrypty od Togashiego i dokończy to w animu. Ciekawe, na ile jest to realne.

Ryzen R5 5600X
GTX 1660 Super
16GB 3200 MHz
Kingston KC3000


#57 2016-03-14 18:04:06

Dołączył: 2012-06-11

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160 … taliec-ent

There will be new information regarding HxH next week in WSJ #16

Najwyraźniej nie pobijemy rekordu

Ostatnio edytowany przez aryst (2016-03-14 18:35:47)


#58 2016-03-14 23:20:32

Dołączył: 2012-06-10

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu.


#59 2016-04-09 20:45:42

Dołączył: 2012-06-10

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

Co tak właściwie zostało ogłoszone w tym 16 numerze WSJ? Orientuje się ktoś?

Nowy rekord. :3

Pokaż spoiler

Ostatnio edytowany przez SongyoKotowari (2016-04-09 20:47:47)


#60 2016-04-09 20:49:33

Skąd: Fan Trailsów oraz YS
Dołączył: 2008-12-30

Odp: Czy nasze wnuki dożyją zakończenia Hunter x Huntera?

W numerze ogłoszono kolejny powrót mangi.
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/20 … 014/.99778


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